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Frankie Dean wholesale products

Frankie Dean wholesale products

Frankie Dean wholesale products

Frankie Dean wholesale products

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Shop Frankie Dean and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About Frankie Dean

About Frankie Dean

About Frankie Dean

About Frankie Dean

About Frankie Dean

We are Brian and Jenavie Noggle, the founders of Frankie Dean. Brian is a Registered Nurse in California and I, Jenavie, was a Children's Special Needs Counselor during my career in Maryland. After moving to California, getting married, and creating our wonderful family, I am now a stay at home mom. Eleven months after giving birth to our first son, Dean, our second son, Frankie, came along. As a surprise to all of us, he was born eight weeks early! He ended up spending six of those weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). It was the most distressing time in our lives. One teary evening in the hospital, an RN generously brought us a security blanket. She had me rub my scent on the blanket before giving it to Frankie. After that, he slept and fed much better. We were both amazed by this transformation. And in just a few days, Frankie came home. Because of this, we want to give back the hope that was given to us, so we have created Frankie Dean® Dream Blankets™. We will forever be grateful for this RN and her gift to us. Because of this, we want to give back the hope that was given to us. We have created Frankie Dean® Dream Blankets™—high-quality security blankets with unique characteristics that lessen the stress of separation, foster visual stimulation with black & white patterns, and will help soothe and comfort little ones. They last longer with reinforced stitching and are produced with locally sourced fabrics that are hypoallergenic and eco-friendly.


"We’re stocked in some of the best shops and art institutions in the world thanks to Faire, and use it to source products for our two shops in South East London too. Some of our strongest brand and supplier relationships have come through Faire."

Jana Starcevic, co-founder of The Completist in London, UK

"We’re stocked in some of the best shops and art institutions in the world thanks to Faire, and use it to source products for our two shops in South East London too. Some of our strongest brand and supplier relationships have come through Faire."

Jana Starcevic, co-founder of The Completist in London, UK

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