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P & R Cards & Things wholesale products

P & R Cards & Things wholesale products

P & R Cards & Things wholesale products

P & R Cards & Things wholesale products

Shop P & R Cards & Things and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop P & R Cards & Things and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop P & R Cards & Things and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

Shop P & R Cards & Things and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.

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About P & R Cards & Things

About P & R Cards & Things

About P & R Cards & Things

About P & R Cards & Things

About P & R Cards & Things

When my son passed away back in 2014 due to an accident, I needed a hobby to keep me busy so my mother in law introduced me to paper crafting. As a couple years went, we decided to turn our hobby into a way of making money by traveling to vendor events. It was slow at first as we were learning how to run our business and what sold well and what did not. In 2018 we started making Smellie Jellies which are an air freshener that works well on its own or it is a good option to use in wax warmers to make your house smell great! Soon after we started to make wax tarts and shower gels since the oils work for all three. As soon as business was going well СOVID happened put traveling to vendor events on hold for awhile. So we decided to open an Etsy store to help with sells. Now that things have opened up I have been able to quit my fulltime job and do my hobby as a full-time job!


"We’re stocked in some of the best shops and art institutions in the world thanks to Faire, and use it to source products for our two shops in South East London too. Some of our strongest brand and supplier relationships have come through Faire."

Jana Starcevic, co-founder of The Completist in London, UK

"We’re stocked in some of the best shops and art institutions in the world thanks to Faire, and use it to source products for our two shops in South East London too. Some of our strongest brand and supplier relationships have come through Faire."

Jana Starcevic, co-founder of The Completist in London, UK

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