Royal Remedies LLC. wholesale products
Royal Remedies LLC. wholesale products
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Shop Royal Remedies LLC. and other independent brands on the Faire wholesale marketplace.
Sign up to shopRoyal Juice Company is an organic juice delivery service founded in December 2018 by Samantha Royal, while attaining her Bachelor of Science in Alternative Medicine from Northern Vermont University. Royal Juice Company, alongside its sister company, Royal Remedies, were founded at the same time with the intention to bring “plant medicine to every-BODY”. Royal Juice specializes in botanically infused organic raw juice. Every juice flavor is formulated to maximize the health benefits contained in each ingredient. Our juice is botanically infused with high grade Royal Remedies plant extracts. The produce used to make our herbal-infused juice is grown on Royal Farms or organically sourced. Our goal is to grow all produce on Royal Farms by 2025 and we are well on our way growing more produce every season. Royal Remedies manufactures a wide variety of herbal remedies including topicals, plant extracts, herbal supplements, and herbal syrups. Our company mission is to make herbal medicine affordable, accessible, and effective. We continue to strive to bring plant medicine to every-BODY.
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